Tuesday 26 January 2016

Making & Final Poster

Making & Final Poster

Making Poster:

For making my poster I used Photoshop CC and used  blank canvas that is the same size as an average poster or slightly smaller, the page had to be big enough so that I could fit the logo which is 500x400 within the page. The images had to be big enough otherwise they will be pixleated and hard to see if made into a larger size.  I needed to think of the layout of the poster/billboard and how each part will fit onto the page, the headline has to be big enough but not over powering the page as well as the headline being relevant news and not just a random title. The logos had to be placed in suitable places as well so they can be seen by the viewer properly and so it did not look out of place on the page. From looking back at other existing newspaper mastheads I was also thinking of adding some colour such as red which is also featured as the colour scheme in the website and which is also seen on existing newspaper mastheads, I could use red lines bordered around the page or just above and below the headline to make it pop out more.

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