Thursday 7 January 2016

ideas for website

Ideas for Website

Design Ideas

The main layout design of my newspaper website will have most of the article categories at the top menu bar, this will be for easy access across the site and will have every news category in one place. Categories such as Money, TV/Entertainment , Science will be some of the categories featured on the top menu bar, the most popular categories will be the home page such as worlds news stories or stories that are featured in the area. The main colour scheme will be red, white and black font and this will be a running theme throughout the site, keeping the colour scheme to a minimal it will not over whelm the viewer and will be less distracting.

There will be separate new stories feature on the front page as well as big main story headline that will thin the most attention from the viewers, I will have up to 2-4 other pages that will contain different information on different news topics to keep the variety going throughout the newspaper website.

Base of Website

These are some images of the newspaper website in the making process, each page will be made individually with different sections of news on each page. The website will be made with the website creator WIX, at it comes with a pre-made newspaper website for the base of the site that I can use as foundations for my newspaper website. I will edit the editable features such as the title will be replaced with my logo and the news stories will be replaced by other news articles. I will add more features to the website like new sections and categories for the different genre of articles and these will have a button on the bar at the top underneath the logo, these will lead to separate pages of news articles. I might keep the the main colour scheme that is already shown in the pre-made website as they are not too distracting and are quiet popular among other newspaper websites.

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