Thursday 28 January 2016

Final Poster

Final Poster/Billboard

This is the final poster for my newspaper article, this would be used out in a street outside of news agents or shops to grab the attention of people passing by,the main design idea was to keep it simple but look a bit more professional and stylish to appeal to the audience. I wanted it to be simple and easy to read instead of having multiple stories covering the page. The main purpose of the poster is to get the people out in the street to read the newspaper and get interested with the headline, it allows the newspaper reach a audience that are harder to get to. The poster has the newspaper articles name in the centre of the page and a big news headline title in the centre, this is so people see the most popular headline that is relevant at the moment. The final billboard is very simple like many other existing newspaper billboards, it has a red band below the newspaper name as that colour is also associated with the newspaper.

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