Tuesday 26 January 2016

Billboard Poster Research

Billboard Posters

Audience research:

For audience research for the newspaper billboard poster's I have looked at existing posters that are used by popular newspaper articles, these posters are designed to capture the audiences attention much like the name of the newspaper but instead use a big known headline story. It will get the audiences attention and wanting to go and buy the newspaper if the headline has sparked their interest enough.

Ideas for billboard Poster:

The idea for what my billboard poster, I want to keep the poster simple and not too elaborate and distracting to the viewer. Looking at existing billboards and posters I found that a main news story is made in bold on the front cover, this is to of course grab the audiences attention as its the first thing you see on the billboard/poster. Big news stories are often put on billboards sop for my billboard I shall be using my biggest news story as the focus of the billboard. It will feature my logo at the top and the bottom but the bottom logo will be smaller, this is to mark it and show that is made by that newspaper article rather than some other newspaper.

Drafting billboard Poster:

The page for the poster/billboard will have dimensions the same as  A4 paper to keep is a suitable size to work with, the size is 210 x 297 pixels and making it this size makes it so I can work with the logos size as it is not a huge image size for the poster, the layout and overall design is easy to do as it only requires a headline title in the centre of the page and the newspapers name/logo presumably on the top of the page.

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