Friday, 29 January 2016

Feedback & Self Evaluation

Feedback & Self Evaluation

 Overall evaluation

I have gathered all the information I had received from the audience both from the newspaper, website, poster and the newspaper name and have made a evaluation from this information on how overall my work was and what could be improved or changed.
Staring off with the newspaper name I had mostly good feedback and the audience liked the design of the newspaper and that it had the villages coat of arms which most people do not know of and this also gives some history to the area and the newspaper, the font style fits on well with the logo and name making it look as if effort was put into it and not mock up with no thought, the name is easy to remember and simple for the audience. The style of the logo is also a change from other existing logos and they do not have the same amount of detail put into them and the crest makes it stand out more from the others.
The feedback I received overall was mixed, the content was there but most of the audience thought that the layout let it down, it looked out of place and mixed so it looked rushed. The stories could of been more fleshed out with more extensive detail rather than limited with information. The colour scheme was suitable and fitted like with the newspaper website, some of the feedback also said that some of the stories such as the main headline had a good amount of detail and story into it keeping the reader reading on and not loosing interest.

The feedback form the poster mainly pointed how much space available on the poster that could of been used up such as having another headline instead of one and how simple the poster was compared to most newspaper posters and billboards adding how much could be put into it.
The audience feedback gathered overall from the website was as well good but had mixed results, the main improvements that the website needed was the lack of the amount of content on all the pages, there were too many advertisement which made the site looking like it was more focused on them instead of the actually news stories. the colour scheme was suitable but did make some parts of the site pop out which other sites do not have as they only use lack and white with no actual colour scheme for the site. the layout was easy to use and the viewer could easily find the type of story they wanted to read but they also thought that there was to enough variety of newspaper stories.

Overall what I have found from the evaluation is that I should add more content into my work and have a better design layout to make the audience pay more attention to the content that is presented, I should also make the work more presentable and clear for the audience as some of the work like the newspaper was more messier in layout and design that the other work such as the website.

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