Friday, 29 January 2016

Feedback on Poster/Billboard

Feedback on Poster/Billboard

From publishing the poster/billboard for my newspaper I was able to gather some feedback from publishing the poster, there were mixed options from the audience such as negative and positive points. 
As some of the feedback was more negative here are what negative points and opinions from people had on the poster/billboardSome of the audience thought that the design was far to simple and basic and needed more added to it rather than a single headline in the centre with the newspaper logo at the top, it looked too bare for some people which did not make it stand out from other newspaper billboards and posters.
The rest of the audience thought that the simple basic design was easy to understand and easily caught their eye, comparing to other newspaper billboards it makes a clear point and gets the news across easily, the font style and the logo fits well together and makes it look more of a professional newspaper as a other fonts can make a newspaper look fake and unprofessional to the audience.

What can be improved?
from the feedback the poster/billboard could use more detail and added features such as 1 or two more newstories featured on the page, another logo could be added below the headline and the headline could have a different more eye catching title.

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