Monday 22 June 2015


Newspaper Research

Name: There are a few names that are used for newspapers such as the "Daily Mail" which suggests that the paper is published every day except for Sundays, other names such as the "Halstead Gazette" means that its an official newspaper that publishes lists of people in governmentlegalmilitary, or university jobs. A name that is frequently used is "Weekly" which is when the newspaper is published weekly instead of daily.

Price: The pricing of the newspaper depends on the newspapers name, Daily newspapers go from 50p-£1.20 and others such as the independent are £2.00. The price I wanted to set for my newspaper was in the range of 50p-80p.

Language used:There are a few different types of language that is used in a newspaper but for different categories, such as headlines which often use short words to make a impact and do not often include verbs or articles. In newspapers they often play with words to make the article look more exciting or to entice the reader,

Type of stories featured: The type of stories that are featured in an article range from promotional to factual, promotional stories are used to get the readers attention and help to support and endorse them into a product or project, the most common storied are factual stories that are reported mainly based on facts and these are the most common stories found in a newspaper.

Headlines:  The type of headlines that will be featured in my article will be up to date stories and events such as the Church Fate, and other events that are relevant to the area or around the area for the public to keep up to date. Other stories that will be in the newspaper will also be from around surrounding areas and locations to be more diverse and give more variety news headlines.

Features of a newspaper: One of the key features of a newspaper is a By-Line so who wrote the article, an introduction of the article such as what the headline is about or who about. Photographs and captions to describe the story better and a caption to explain it more in detail.

Comparison: Here are some existing newspaper's and their comparisons, the Halstead Gazette and Lynn news, the two newspapers have very different layouts and design as Lynn News website has less headlines while the Halstead Gazette has far more content and smaller headlines. The Halstead Gazette has a more simpler layout and is easier to navigate through, Lynn News layout is more spread about with content spread out across the page. The content in contrast with each other is different, as the Halstead Gazette has more serious news headlines and content while Lynn News has more of casual local event headlines with not so much interesting content, it does not bare any serious news.

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